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Ms. B

2nd Grade Teacher

2 months ago

Am I supposed to be running small groups anymore?

I've been reading and hearing from a few teacher friends that small groups are not the best way to teach. I'm a 3rd grade teacher and I've been doing small groups for years. I'm not sure what to do now. What is the research saying?



Educational Illustration of teachers connecting online.

Why Teacher Lounge?

We interviewed teachers and they told us:

"I love new ideas, being in the know, following what people were doing. It was super important to be the best in my field to be the best in my evaluation."

"I'm a 13th year teacher and I started a new curriculum. I use a FaceBook groups with other teachers, but would really love to seperate that from my social media."

"I could benefit from getting different perspectives on small groups, state testing, class routine and procedures."

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Educational Illustration of teachers connecting online.

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Our mission is to unite teachers on one platform through shared knowledge and resources. We believe that teachers are the best resource for other teachers. And our app will support them and provide features to elevate their profession and their professional growth.